Yeah, sure! Carolyn R. Wah is the person to answer

by Kent 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    Transgressions, metaphysics and politics
    Chair: Lenn Goodman, Vanderbilt University

    Criminology and the Holocaust: Xenophobia, Evolution and Genocide
    Augustine Brannigan, University of Calgary

    The Curse of Cain: The Violent Legacy of Monotheism
    Regina M. Schwartz, Northwestern University

    The Impact of the Holocaust on Contemporary Bioethics
    Alan J. Weisbard, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    When Suicide is Genocide: Law, Identity and Mental Well-Being
    Richard Monette, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Mental Health and Religion — Can They Evaluate Each Other Objectively?
    Carolyn R. Wah, Attorney-at-Law, New York
    André Carbonneau, Attorney, Montréal

    I wonder why she doesn't say she's a Jehovah's Witness! This lady is in a lot of committees around, especcially interested in children and children's rights.

    Yeah - sure!!!!!!!

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Satanus

    Andre carbonneau is a jw too. I think the society financed his law schooling.


  • Kent

    Yeah. This is just one of a hell of a lot of these kinds of conferences the people from Patterson attend.

    I'm trying to make a little library, so that everyone can find all their stuff on the Watchtower Observer :)

    This guy is on CESNUR's mailinglist as well, together with other prominent JWs:

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Fredhall

    Hey Girls,

    Does every attorney who write an article in a Journal needs to tell what religion they belong to?

  • anewperson

    Very very good idea, Kent. Also did you ever wonder where some of these people live? I know some live in apartments in the Brooklyn Bethel complex where they get their meals, maid service, various apartment amenities all for free. But if a Watchtower person who goes to this committee or seminar and another one, likely using money from the Watchtower to attend, lives outside the Brooklyn complex, for example in a suburb of Toronto, Canada, where they also work as an attorney in general, then conceivably they might be getting some money or perks for their Watchtower services, for example writing off as tax deductions what they do for the WTS. If we knew where they lived we could also more easily determine who their other clients are.

    Do you see what I mean? Is Carolyn Wah married and if so what is her husband's name so that we can located their address by phone directory then dig more information to see if donations from Jehovah's Witness members are being spent or misspent to support their personal luxuries. The same goes for the other people on that list.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Kent,

    thanks for the information

    about our "beloved sister". As an attorney-at -law

    she is quite busy. Btw, she has not answered yet,

    my e-mail.

    To anewperson: good and factual comments!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • JT

    anewperson ask:

    Is Carolyn Wah married and if so what is her husband's name so that we can located their address


    No she is not, - my wife and i had her over for dinner almost 4yrs ago when she came down from bethel to visit here one of her girl friends in my old hall

    She is a single black bethelite sister who I knew when i was at bethel

    I tried to hook her up with one of my boys William Bell- -- weused to call him Big bill- he is one big boy- he too is a bethelite and works as a lawyer

    Carolyn is very TIGHT with a sister in my old hall - they work on a ton of projects together for the society and she too is singel

    she is an EXPERT WITNESS in court cases were jw kids are involved

    she is a DR. has her own practice in Northern VA- Alexandria , VA to be exact

    she is a psychologist

    just my 2


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