Would you say have Osam Bin Laden Highway? I truly doubt it and I'm sure it would insite much opposition and anger amongst the people of USA. But because the government felt that such changes were necessary went ahead against what the people wanted, you just had to accept it.
There are many such changes taking place here. Street names are being changed left, right and centre, without much consideration of costs to businesses to have the changes implimented on all stationary, maps, whatever.
Our latest name changed is from Kingsway to Andrew Zondo - at least this won't be too hard for our tourists to pronounce. Andrew Zondo was the 19 year old man found guilty of planting a limpet mine in Sanlam Centre, which claimed the lives of five people, three of whome were children. He was executed following his trail in 1986.
The fathers reaction to the above: When Aiken Zondo found out they were renaming a road of his son he said " I wouldn't want a name that reminded me of the pain it caused me and those I loved. But what can I say, I am only an ant, and there are bigger elephants out there"
They could have named the road Penny Heyns - she won a number of olympic gold medals. Look, the finanacial implications would have still been high, but at least she is a bit more of a role model our youngsters could look up too.
I feel sorry for the tourists who have to get their tongue around names like: Masabalala Yengwa Avenue (used to be NMR Avenue).
Ah well - such is life I guess and there is nothing one can do but to accept it and move on.