Who killed more people in the Bible?
by easyreader1970 8 Replies latest jw friends
Hands down, God. Not to mention God is responsible for so many rituals that waste time and resources, and rules that serve no purpose other than to stifle maximum enjoyment of living.
If you also include those killed "in the name of", the God of the Bible wins even more decisively.
How about an alternative question erm who killed more people in the last World war? hmmm that would be America after dropping 2 nuclear bombs on japan. Or Germany trying to genocide a whole race
Hi reniaa, how about staying on topic? You're free to start a new one on WWII if Bible facts make you too uncomfortable.
But it's good that you bring up civilian casualties, and specifically, genocide. The Hebrew scriptures are written by a "chosen race" backed by savage war god
"Jehovah of armies" to invade and destroy the inhabitants of the "Promised Land."
(Oh, unless you're a little virgin girl. Then they would murder your entire family, seize the land, and keep you on as a sex slave, praise Jah!)
And "soon," 6 BILLION inhabitants of the earth will be wiped out so a tiny fraction of Jehovah's modern-day genocidal elitists can live in Paradise.
When you add up all the Bible deaths attributed to Jehovah and his worshippers, and those "soon" to come, it makes WWII look like the Teddy Bear's Picnic.
~Sue -
ok i'll stay on topic lets use a bible example were the figure has to be guessed, pharaoh killing the babies around moses birth!
we know the egyptians were getting fearful of how large a group the slaves were getting this seems surprising untill later calculations reveal 3 million israelites slaves joined moses on the Exodus so my question is....
In light of 3 million slaves traveling with moses only 60/80 years later how many newborn baby boys must the egyptians have slaughtered if they killed them all in one specific year, culling the herd of slaves so to speak?
The bible doesn't reveal it, but I'm sure a rough calculation could be made?
I am not sure I understand your point.
The OT God certainly liked a bit of bloodshed, every firstborn in Egypt, whatever the world's population was circa Noah's day, 187,000 Assyrians, these are just a few examples that immediately spring to mind