When did the WTS stop the sale of publications and start "givng them away" ? Also does anyone know what it costs publishers/pioneers for the WT & Asleep rags now?
WT for sale...
by kzjw 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It seems like it was around 1990 when they went to a Voluntary Donation method for funding the "worldwide work" as they call it.
Yeah, them and Jimmy Swaggart. Sorry don't have time to fill you in but I'm sure someone else will give you all the true facts as to why they lovingly started the donation arrangement.
Basically...Jimmy Swaggart had to pay CA a large amount in sales tax due to the sale of religious lit. He paid it, then appealed and lost. It became law that the sale of religious lit was subject to sales tax...and that is why the WT changed its arrangement.
Let me find you a link with the precise details....
Go there- it gives the whole picture...