Tired of the wife? Put her on EBAY!

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    some people go too far. This asswipe is trying to ruin his wife by humiliating her with apparent false charges of adultery and put her up for bid on ebay. How stupid can we get?

    Would you ever do something like this?

  • momzcrazy

    I hope she is cheating and leaves his sorry ass on the curb!


  • Casper

    He sounds like such an A$$....


  • Hope4Others

    Its amazing at what no ends a jilted mate, or one with quite and imagination will do

    under anger with out thinking it through.


  • Finally-Free

    This reminded me of a poster on a bulletin board in one company I used to work at. It went something like:

    "Free cat to good home or free husband who hates cats. Take your pick."


  • Casper

    "Free cat to good home or free husband who hates cats. Take your pick."

    LOL.... Good one... FF


  • ssrriotsquad

    Judging by the picture of her (looking at her arm behind her back resting on the gate), she may have been a contortionist!

  • Pinball

    Isn't The Sun considered in the UK to be one of the worst papers of all, what they call, a 'gutter rag' - in other words, very sensationalist and most stories have to be taken with a grain of salt. The kind of paper that has to create drama headlines to capture the attention of a woefully inadequate reader base whose intellectual capacity is just beyond zero?

    At least, that's what I've heard from business acquaintances over there.

    One only has to look at the layout on the front cover to realize that they obviously do not appeal to readers of much intelligence.

    Wasn't it The Sun that was famous for it's smutty page 3 topless girls?

    Yeah, a great newspaper of merit, obviously.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I agree the sun magazine is for people who don't get the joke

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