if i was god

by rekless 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    i would without question let mankind know who i am.
    i would bless all those who worship me and give them their every needs.

    i would also remove the curse of death and go ahead and remove the devil.

    really why should i have to kill billions just to prove i am god.

    live let live and remove all the written laws. place the law of love as the only law.

    there would be no sin because i made rlues to be broke therefore i would remove these rules.

    it wasn't until i told adam ,son this is my apple don't eat it.

    i on the other hand would have said, adam this is my apple tree i love you eat and show eve my tree and let all things be shared between you and me.

    it is hard for me to beleive a god would place restrictions on his creations then kill them for for such a phoney reason. my apple don't eat.

    sorry for the writing i have one of the ritis boys visiting my right wrist so have to peck .

  • Mindchild

    Here is an example of my own thinking more or less along the same lines.

    Imagine that you are an orphan child. Your parents left you right after birth and have never been back to see you. Instead they gave you a long letter which was poorly written, hard to understand, in a foreign language and left more questions than it answered. In spite of all this, the letter claims that your parents love you very much and are constantly thinking about you. They even made great sacrifices for you. Some day they will come back and get you and your life will then be wonderful. The letter goes on to describe that your father is a great carpenter and has built many homes (with Mom’s help) and if you want to, you can go check out the construction sites and learn to appreciate just how skilled and special your parents are. Even more, this letter lays down all kinds of silly rules and regulations you must follow until that glorious time when you will be reunited with your parents. Worse yet, if you don’t follow these rules and regulations, they will come back and kill you!

    Well, I, the orphan child...went to the various houses that God built and found them poor shabby shacks that were dangerous to live in. Even worse, I discovered that God was just a ancient mind virus that drives people crazy. More violent deaths and persecutions have been caused by this human affliction than anything else. God is a wanted criminal and someday I hope this master deception will be locked away and let us be in peace.

    Thus, I disowned God and realized the great lie. It was sad to see my dreams crumble, my invisible buddy turns out to be nothing but a fantasy but that is part of growing up and being fully human. We have enough problems of our own making without adding this troublemaker to the mix.


    "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings." - William Shakespeare

  • Judith


    "It was sad to see my dreams crumble, my invisible buddy turns out to be nothing but a fantasy."

    I understand your words oh so well for two months now. My invisible buddy has disappeared into a puff of smoke. There's no Santa, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairey, and no God. I am still struggling with the no god part cause I break out in prayer from time to time. It became such a habit and it is taking awhile to break.

    The stories of "If I was god" is just how I have been thinking. I just talked with my youngest son a few days ago about the same thing. I wouldn't have given birth to him and then abandoned him. Leaving unclear ideas of who and where I am and that one day I would come back and kill him if he didn't follow the rules that were open to interpretation just as this past has pointed out.

    It all seems so clear now how wrong this is and sad that none of it was true. Some turn to a different religion after the WT to bring back that childish fantasty of a god. Just like people anxiously await Xmas hoping that they can bring back the fantasy of Santa. It was all pretend and it didn't feel very good when we found out that we were lied to now did it?

    I am going through a mourning for what is lost.

  • ISP

    That seems pretty much OK...rekless. You get my vote!


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