How do you like your neighbors?

by asilentone 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • asilentone
  • Casper

    I loved my neighbors that lived the closest to me for the last 15 years. They moved away a month ago.

    Now I worry who or what will move in...

    Not as close distance wise, to the others, but we all get along well when we see each other.


  • FreedomFrog

    Well, now I LOVE them...

    About 3 months ago I had the most horrible neighbors. Since I live in an apartment and I'm on the 3rd floor, my neighbors under us complained about the smallest things such as using the shower and them hearing the water between the walls...from me using the dishwasher and ect. Now that they've moved, it's been great. They are much older than most here and moved from a house to an apt (different living experience) and are not tolerant to apt. living.

    When I first moved in (over 2 years ago) I was concerned that my children were a bit too loud and asked my next door neighbor (the one that shares a wall between the apt. if they are bothered...they said no...and that they are not "old farts" that they can't handle a little bit of noise.

    The neighbor across from me is so quiet but will even talk to my 3 year old from time to time even when he's way down on bottom getting out of his car and she's on our balcony.

    Now that the "crazies" have's been wonderful. Now it's getting my kids to bed by nine that I have to work with...LOL

  • Hortensia

    house to the west is weekend home for LA residents - they are seldom there. And west of that, empty lots. To the east, empty lots. To the south, more empty lots. North of me, a huge carved Indian head and a small strange museum. And empty lots. Just me and the coyotes.

  • Casper
    Now that the "crazies" have's been wonderful

    That's my biggest worry...!! After being used to having great neighbors for so long and now just "Waiting" to see what we get. It's driving me nuts... lol

    So glad it worked out for you FF...

    Goodness Hortensia...

    You "do" sound isolated.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I have always gotten along with my neighbors. The ones I have now are cool. The couple that lives upstairs have some rowdy little kids that stomp around, but that is what kids do.

  • Hortensia

    my nearest neighbor is this big Indian head - I can look out my kitchen window at it while washing dishes

  • jaguarbass

    With ketchup mustard and onions.

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