I recently posted a reply in the thread god mauls children with bears in answer to questions posed by the author of the thread. In my reply I brought up the subject of Acts of God. I spent about five hours of my time on my day off from responsibilities to research and write my reply.
I was told by some resident psychiatrists on JWD that I need to seek help. I was thanked for thelaugh and that it was painfully obvious that my doctor needs to increase my dosage of meds.
How original.
Having heard this expression a number of times on this board I thought I would do a search on how many times “meds” is referred in a derogatory way on JWD. Meds shows up from the year 2000, 3628 times. The first time it shows up in a derogatory way is in the initial post of AGuest on JWD in March 01. What a welcome to JWD for her.
My intention was to back off from any response to those so concerned with my mental retarded- ness but after letting the subject boil away within for a week my intention is, come hell or high-water, to never let “meds” be used derogatively on JWD again.
I am determined to continue the subject that I posted in the thread in question, So I am starting to read a book, called: Acts of God: The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America. By Theodore Steinberg – author
For starters, the author opens the book with the following two quotes:
There are many scapegoats for our blunders, but the most popular one is Providence. Mark Twain
We do not see our hand in what happens, so we call certain events melancholy accidents when they are the inevitabilities of our projects. Stanley Cavell
I will continue as time and circumstance permit, that is, God willing.