"They said you were the book expert"

by LovesDubs 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    That's what a man came up to me and said a few days ago. I work at Sams Club. Been there a month and nobody knows me from Adam. Im in charge of the soft goods section, the clothing, towels, shoes...and he came up and in all sincerity said that to me. I said "They did?" while I was folding t-shirts...."Yes he said, Im looking for the New Testament."

    can you say LEFT FIELD?

    So I said, "Well I know we had those at Christmas but maybe we still do because it was Easter fairly recently" I felt guilty at having to relegate the Bible to a SEASONAL ITEM but it is what it is. We went over to the books. And indeed there were four or five versions there.

    "What were you looking for specifically?" I asked picking up a KJV that included both testaments "Well, the new testament" he repeated. I said well this one has both" "Both what?" he said looking puzzled. "Both the New AND the Old testaments....see it has Genesis? The New Testament starts in this back half of the book?" "Oh he said...there are two?" So I knew he was a newbie even at his age. It was endearing.

    I looked at him..."Who is this for if I may ask?" "Well he said....it's for me actually. I want to start reading it. Just feel like I need to. Have you?" He asked kindly.

    I smiled..."Yes I have read it...several times in fact. But I must admit I havent lately." I felt what was distinctively GUILT when I said that.

    I noticed he was probably around my age, mid 50s, so I reached over and picked up the NIV in larger print and showed him. "Here" I showed him "This one is in larger print, it doesnt have what are supposed to be Jesus' s words all in red, you dont have the THEES and the THOUS to stumble over and its an easy to read translation."

    He looked delighted. It was so cute. "Ooooh thats perfect! I just want to read it and see what it means to me without anybody TELLING me what Im supposed to get from it you know?"

    "Yes I truly DO know my friend. Now...go get yourself a couple of highlighters over there in the office supply aisle and enjoy!"

    "See?" he said clutching his new book "They sent me to the right person! Thank you!" and he walked off.

    Makes you kinda wonder who the THEY was who sent him over to me :)

  • CaptainSchmideo

    You are working in the wrong store. You should be at B Dalton's or Barnes and Noble. The people they hire there should be the one folding shirts....

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    That was quite a sweet story! Got me smiling

    Good recommendation too - exactly the reasons I'd have given lol! That was my precise line when I sold them to folk who'd never read it before - "It's the Bible minus the Thees and Thous"

    Maybe he was sent to you by the Lord himself!!!

  • still_in74

    see? yes i do see, there are genually good people on this planet who
    a) want to know god
    b) help others to find him

    this is christianity.

    nice experience, thanks for sharing...

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