Welcome Newbies!

by sweet pea 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    For any of you that have joined in the last couple of months and have not been noticed and officially welcomed, I would like to say a huge welcome.

    This board is a great melting pot of wonderful people - we hope that you will take us as you find us and enjoy your time here. We'd love to hear your stories if you haven't already told us.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you.


  • Quirky1

    Hello Sweat Pea,

    I have been coming here a short while and find it quite refreshing. I was treated with a warm welcome when I arrived here and found some good sound advice here also. I enjoy the atmosphere here and look forward to sticking around awhile.

  • Renegade

    Hell yeah, Sweat Pea.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I know a lot of new ones have recently posted their experiences and gotten a thoroughly warm JWD welcome but I was primarily thinking of those that haven't posted their stories yet - the shy, the intimidated, the new lurkers, the ones that are hesitating to post their stories for whatever reason.

    Whoknows and DNCall are two wonderful posters who I personally would like to say a huge welcome to. They have a wealth of experience between the two of them and a very interesting story to tell, One day we may all be priviledged to hear it. Love you guys!!

  • flipper

    SWEET PEA- Great thread ! I give a big shout out for the newbies ! Yeah ! Welcome ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • momzcrazy

    Time for my Welcome Fairy!


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