For an article I am seeking page 14 of the April 15, 1984, issue of The Watchtower. This has the "wedding vows" on this page. This is referenced in the Pay Attention elders' book "The wedding vows that were puhlished in the April 15, 1984, issue of The Watchtower, page 14, and that appear in the marriage outline, S-41, should be used. These vows may be modified according to the local law, but privately chosen and worded vows should not be used."
If anyone has this I would really appreciate having a scan, the text or a link to where it might be found. I am in no hurry. Thank you.
Marriage vows Wt 4-15-84
by tfjw 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Seems like the Washtowel Slaveholdery has to have its nose into everything. Follow their guidelines to the letter, disregarding the law and common sense, for something that should be quite natural. They are masters of creating problems where none should have existed.
OK, explain these vows, and then the double talk with regards to seperation that I have recently posted, and experiencing from the elders??!?!? WTS are full of assholes!!!!
"for as long as we both shall live together on earth according to God’s marital arrangement.”
Looks to me like there's a loophole. As soon as you're no longer living together, the marriage is history.
Your right, I didn't see that...
Atlantis, thank you VERY much! This will help in my research article tremendously.
Your welcome! Let us know if you need more scans!
Conform, conform, conform to everything we say - G.B