by badboy 6 Replies latest jw friends
The Pyramid of Giza has water/flood marks high up on it.
I work in the Religion/Theology/Philosophy section of a used book store.
You would not believe how many apologist books come through my section trying to assert, purport, conjecture and flim-flam the false idea that the actual Ark of Noah has been found, photographed, excavated, and such to produce "evidence" of its existence.
Strikingly!......the evidence always seems to have met with mishap!!! Go figure!
The strongest (non-evidence) offerings are hearsay testimonials by people willing to dissemble about actual eyewitness events.
You can make a lot of money travelling from pulpit to pulpit as a guest speaker telling these tales!
A friend of mine is a professor of archeology. He told me one of the professors at his college fancies himself an Indiana Jones type. He makes lots of extra cash with stories of finding (losing!) the trail of the Lost Ark of the Covenant. He always seems to raise plenty of money from churches for further expeditions (which pays for the other___actual work___) and subsequent testimonials.
How comedically horrifying, this willingness to be duped!
A primitive "bookkeeping" artifact (it is the bone of a wolf with fifty-five incisions made in classical stick-counting manner) was found by archeologist Karel Absolon in 1937 at Dolne' Vestonice, Czechoslovakia.
It has been dated to the Aurignacian era (about 30,000 years ago). Similarly marked bones from the Magdelenian era have been found in France dated to about 15,000 years ago.
The Middle East has produced other recording systems, marked disks, cones, cylinders, etc. dating between the 9th and 2nd millenia B.C.
source - "The Golden Ratio - the story of phi" by Mario Livio.
Amazing that all of this survived not only the flood, but predate their (Archbishop James Usher) chronology for the creation itself...
Terry, sounds like Ron Wyatt
I dont know about the Wactower Agency but the above address will turn you on to what your looking for.
If your really looking for it.