This email is making the rounds, I just got it from my Mom. Interesting, wonder if anyone will be voting for him....Email in red
Nice little surprise for the sister who invited him. :)
The President from Trinidad & Tobago attends the Memorial...
The President of the nation (George Maxwell Richards) attends the Memorial at a local Kingdom Hall in Trinidad & Tobago . Everyone is wondering well, who invited him & how?
The invitation was made by a sister who works for the newspaper part-time, and for her surprise not only did the president attend but also 15 others who accompanied the president, among them were his wife, security guards & two representatives from television stations from the state. It was the first time in Trinidad & Tobagen history that a president of the nation attended a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses.
As stated in the law, the brothers followed the protocol, as observed the president, his wife, body guard & three others were attentive throughout the program, while the rest of the crew remained in the automobiles. It happened to be that the brother who gave the discourse for the memorial was one of the MS Training School Instructors from the US.
In a congregation where there are 85 publishers , the attendance for the memorial was around 300 persons. Since we give all are invitees a songbook & a Bible in order to follow the program of the memorial , the president and his party were not the exception. They followed the entire discourse using their Bibles and singing the Kingdom Melodies.
Once the memorial was over, and as followed by protocol, all the attendees remained seated until the president and his party left the Kingdom Hall. After wards, they were taken to a room where they were given Bibles & literature, that they accepted kindly .. They also expressed their gratitude for being present & for the simplicity and sincereity of the service & the generous use of the Bible throughout the conference. Literature was also given to the rest of the president's party who were in the parking lot, besides the arrangements that were made in order for them to listen to the entire program while they were parked.
In the newspaper, The Guardian, an article was posted with pictures following the day of the memorial.
The experience of this sister who invited the president of the republic after being interviewed teaches us how we should never overlook anyone when doing our preaching work, or offer bible studies or invite them to the memorial.... n o t even the president himself.
(I have attached pictures )
sincerely __________