Where to begin???? How many times a week would you meet together? Why would you meet together? What activities would your congregation be involved in? Why have a congregation at all? Lets raise many questions, then we can look for scriptural answers, and/or use our power of reason to come up with reasonable responses. This is not for starting any new cults.
Design your own congregation!
by S3RAPH1M 9 Replies latest jw friends
The hunks, required to sit in the first row would have to be shirtless, of course!!
Plenty of refreshments.......
why isn't it for starting a new cult? Why shouldn't we start a cult? Everyone else does! I guess my own reason for not starting a cult is that I am too lazy to control other people. And I don't much care what other people do anyway, as long as they leave me alone! So, design my own congregation. Considering I don't believe in any religion or god or demons or any of that crap, I could still have a decent little group. We meet once a week for less than an hour. We sit in a circle and breathe for a little while. Meditative breathing, for a few minutes until everyone is relaxed. Then we go around the circle and ask who needs to be prayed for. Each person mentions someone who needs prayer, and we all pray silently for that person for a few minutes. Then on to the next person, repeat. Then as a group, pray/meditate silently for a few minutes to benefit the group as a whole. Then coffee and coffee cake and we're out of there!
The hunks, required to sit in the first row would have to be shirtless, of course!!
Don't forget the oil, lots of oil.
Hortensia, I would join your cult. It would be fun.
For God's sake get some live music in there, and not some 5 piece sqeaky clean band singing kingdom dirges either. I want something upbeat and powerful!
I know! How about Faithless!
Second school would have to go. The room is needed for games. Set up a pool table, 2nd bar (other in the main hall of course), internet access in the library with JWD as the home page of course.
It would be set up to help people think for themselves. Get people into the sciences and the free market, so they can actually help solve problems instead of waiting on Baghead Jehovah. Help people find their deepest interest, so they can have work that is actually going to pay off while being enjoyable. Discuss the Bible, to the extent possible totally without bias (and that means, if one member has a totally offbeat interpretation, it does not have to be kept to themselves).
As for rules, there would be as few as possible. The ground rules would be no initiation of use of force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against others or their property (and even the leaders would be held to that rule). Any rules that are made would have to not create any problems where none needed to exist and would be subject to being stricken if they are no longer useful. This would mean partying, playing real music or watching real movies, pornography, and even fornication would not be against any of my rules. (Note that Jesus himself tolerated people that lived a debauched lifestyle, but not those who bound others to too many rules).
This is my congregation :)
It would be on-line. Like OOTB said.