Is it really hot where you're at?.....Found solution for cooling outdoors!

by restrangled 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    If you are staying home for Memorial Day this weekend and planning on being outdoors, especially in the south.....we just installed something from Costco. Its a misting system. It really works! They are selling for about $29.95/39.95. 30 feet that connects to your hose and can be attached anywhere. (took about 20 minutes)

    Our deck is miserable most of the day. We have large shaded areas but the heat is intense where there is no shade. This uses about 5 gallons per hour and drops the temp by 30 degrees.

    In case any of you had seen it and wondered.....just wanted to let you know it works like a charm and is warranted for 4 years.

    Have a great weekend.


  • asilentone

    Thank you for the tip!

  • mrsjones5

    That looks really cool but it would be totally wrong for my hair

  • restrangled

    MrsJones....LOL...yeah its bad for my hair too, but....I'd rather be frizzy than dieing of the heat!

  • restrangled

    Just doing a btt.....for weekend plans!

  • asilentone

    Thank god, that I have shaved head. It is not by nature it is by my choice.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    What a weird idea. It doesn't get that hot and dry here - there's always plenty of humidity, so I guess I can't really grasp the concept!

    Just don't forget to stay in the shade or slap on the sun cream, damp skin burns quicker because the water droplets magnify the sun's rays even if they're only there for a short time!

    Wouldn't work too well with the barbie either would it?!

  • Hortensia

    they use those a lot around here. In the hot weather (over 110) you can walk down the main drag in Palm Springs under a continuous line of misters. When the humidity is very low, the misters work really well. It's a lot cooler and more bearable. Years ago, when we had chickens, we ran a line of misters around the chicken yard to keep them cool. They loved it!

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