Patient asks me if I like the Watchtower.

by 4mylove 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 4mylove

    I was helping a patient where I work that was very frusterated. She said the only reason we stopped by is because we are out here "ministering", I thought, Oh crap....

    She goes on with her story when I went to leave she asked me if i had every heard of the watchtower, i politely answered yes. She then asked if I liked it, and I politely answered No. She grimaced and waited for the person she was waiting for.



  • momzcrazy

    And it's not polite to vomit on people while at work!

  • crazyblondeb

    In the past, I've had patients leave the mags.....even had one leave a couple books in a sealed large envelope....with invites. They left that with the nursing supervisor. When I opened it up in her office, she about laughed her ass off. I promptly filed it correctly!!

  • OnTheWayOut
    She then asked if I liked it

    Sure I like the Watchtower.

    (Let her go through her offer, which is probably just handing you the latest)

    I said I liked the Watchtower. I don't read it, though. They fit my bird cage
    exactly when I open them up the middle. No folding, no cutting. I was really
    upset awhile back when they stopped mailing subscriptions. Thanks.

  • ex-nj-jw

    About a month ago as a patient was leaving my office she started digging in her bag while saying "I have something good for you to read", I didn't even look back at her and said "if it's got anything to do with JW's don't bother". She said, "oh have you read our literature"? I said yup, it was constantly rammed down my throat from birth to age 18, when I turned 18 I promptly vomited it all back up into my parents laps and now I have a real life, have a nice day and I'll see you in one year for a follow up!


  • WTWizard

    Of course, the stock answer is going to be that they like the Washtowels and Asleep!'s. And the religion itself. But the truth is that those Washtowels are better off shredded.

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    I said yup, it was constantly rammed down my throat from birth to age 18, when I turned 18 I promptly vomited it all back up into my parents laps and now I have a real life, have a nice day

    Ex-jw-nj: I hope you don't have a copywrite on that quote!!! If you do, sue me, cause I am gonna use it!!!!! LOL

  • dorayakii
    I said yup, it was constantly rammed down my throat from birth to age 18, when I turned 18 I promptly vomited it all back up into my parents laps and now I have a real life, have a nice day

    Ex-jw-nj: I hope you don't have a copywrite on that quote!!! If you do, sue me, cause I am gonna use it!!!!! LOL

    Me too, LOL

  • ex-nj-jw
    I said yup, it was constantly rammed down my throat from birth to age 18, when I turned 18 I promptly vomited it all back up into my parents laps and now I have a real life, have a nice day

    Ex-jw-nj: I hope you don't have a copywrite on that quote!!! If you do, sue me, cause I am gonna use it!!!!! LOL

    Me too, LOL

    Feel free to use it as necessary, fitting isn't it?


  • steve2

    The patient's sales pitch was a bit lame, don't you think? For all her supposed training as a JW, what a weak-kneed, unimaginative method she employed to whet your appetite for spiritual sustenance! Asking you whether you liked the Watchtower has got to be one of the weakest questions any JW ever asks. My maternal aunt, a far braver soul than me, once told me that when a JW asked whether she liked the Watchtower, answered: "Yes, they make good compost."


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