Do elders actually read a DA letter?

by digderidoo 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    I have thought about DAing myself over the years. I see it as putting that part of my life behind me, however i will not at the moment due to my mom. At some point in the future i will do this and close a chapter of my life.

    I have always wondered though whether the elders actually read the reasons as to why a person does this. Or is it the case that the body of elders will only read and concentrate on the part where the DAing is written? For instance, if i were to write about the doctrines i do not believe in (such as 1914, etc.) would the elders actually read that or just skim through it for fear of reading apostate material?

    I would appreciate elders or ex elders views on this, as to what they did or do.


  • asilentone

    It would not surprise me if most of them will skim through the letter, they have better things to do with their time, that is what they think.

  • shamus100

    They probably could care less.

    I wouldn't play by they're rules, but I can't speak for yours.

  • Bring_the_Light

    I'm pretty sure most elders have heard it all before. The difference between us and them is they NEED the Borg and do not see the harm. Attacking the Borg even if you are factially correct will just be absorbed as trifling about god's organization. There are more important things than the facts to these people.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have not seen a DA letter, but I was never a P.O. or a secretary.
    They don't generally pass them around. I don't know if there are rules
    on this. I imagine most elders that get one in their hands read it, but
    they don't circulate it among the elders.

    If you do DA, the writing is mainly for your sake. A cleansing.

    If you really want the P.O. or another to read it, hide the DA part inside
    the body of the letter. Not near the beginning or the end.

    "I wanted to write to the BOE to ask for help in clearing my misunderstandings.
    Among other things, these are my problems.
    3. xxxyyy ...because of this, I feel it necessary to dissassociate myself from the
    Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Thank you for your prompt responses to these concerns. Blah Blah Blah with
    no mention of DA in the conclusion."

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    When we had a young lady DA, we assigned two brothers to investigate. Elders are advised NOT to take the letter at face value in case the person was depressed or confused or whatever. All three of us read the letter and it became a committee. She wanted the freedom to watch whatever she wanted on tv and not to have to go to all the meetings. SINNER! W.Once

  • WTWizard
    When we had a young lady DA, we assigned two brothers to investigate. Elders are advised NOT to take the letter at face value in case the person was depressed or confused or whatever. All three of us read the letter and it became a committee.

    Effectively, writing a disassociation letter would only invite the hounders to hound you out of it.

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