Telltale signs that you're living with an atheist
by nvrgnbk 9 Replies latest jw friends
Mr Ben
Oh shit! Did I leave my picture on Facebook!!
White Dove
This is funny!
Damn those Pop-Tarts!
Lady Zombie
Thing is, you can prove Pop Tarts exist. The proof is in the toasting.
Nice to know what you like nvr!
changeling :)
But can you prove Pop Tarts are delicious?
how comfortable does the footwear have to be?
Lady Zombie
But can you prove Pop Tarts are delicious?
Proving the existance of Pop Tarts is a TAP (temporary agnosticism in practice) and can be resolved quite easily because a Pop Tart is tangible and its existance can be affirmed by many.
Proving they're delicious is a PAP (permanent agnosticism in practice). A PAP is unanswerable and ones belief in the deliciousness can be placed anywhere on a spectrum of possibilities. From 'I know with 100% certainty that Pop Tarts are delicious' to 'I know with 100% certainty Pop Tarts are not delicious.'
Is my sense of deliciousness the same as your deliciousness? We can collect evidence for or against Pop Tart deliciousness until the cows come home, we won't be any closer to an answer as to the universal deliciousness of Pop Tarts!
Pop excercise in agnosticism!