I know there are a lot of atheists here, but for those who still believe in God- what do you think of Joyce Meyer? From the few times I've seen her I enjoy her sense of humor while preaching. She seems very down to earth and easy to relate to.
What do you think of Joyce Meyer?
by JimmyPage 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Her message is similar to those of Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, Juanita Bynum, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, and T. D. Jakes: Believe with all your heart and soul, and give, give, give until you can't give any more. God, she says, loves a cheerful giver. Those who follow God and give generously to his ministries can have anything and everything they want. She rakes in almost $100 million dollars a year from that kind of preaching. I think she's a charlatan with a greed-based gospel, what the apostle Paul would call "another gospel," not one that lines up with the teachings of Jesus.
Yes I noticed alot of references on Wikipedia to her monetary gains.
She's cool. Although, I don't care for her commercials at the end of her program hawking her books, etc.
I like listening to her. But I'm always aware that she might be 'tickling my ears' LOL
I don't like her in-yer-face plugs for her own books/tapes, and it worries me about the Lord telling her this and that, or her using the paraphrase Amplified Bible as her standard, but I've never noticed her whipping up a frenzy and goading ppl into giving, giving, giving to her cause. I can't stand most of the ppl fjtoth mentions - Joyce Meyer makes a refreshing change. "Amen?"
Oh and I remember her interview with another well-known preacher (can't remember his name - some guy who obsessed about the devil yet insisted the devil shouldn't be obsessed about and had no power over him), and it was funny watching them compete over who could plug their stuff the most.
i don't
Isn't she the one with the 75 thousand dollar toilet?
Its all money , not God with her. She is very wealthy.
What do you think of Joyce Meyer?
I don't!
I've watched her a couple of times and can only envision her playing poker at a casino, smoking a cigarette with a Scotch neat in her hand. Very tough women on the sell.