Reasoning on reasons for disfellowshiping

by jed459 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jed459

    The only valid SCRIPTUAL reason for disfellowshipping is if someone has committed a serious sin like having sex with his father's wife as Paul said and is unrepentant.. OR if someone has denied the faith and are deliberately teaching others against the true gospel to mislead them.

    So unless JWs really do have the true faith, they cannot SCRIPTUALLY disfellowship anyone unless they are unrepentant over a sin which is as serious as Paul said. Yet in most cases the disfellowshiped person has not commited such a sin as that.

    Therefore, if there is any doubt that JWs have the true faith, the disfellowshipped person is usually in less trouble with Jehovah that those who have wrongly disfellowshipped them.

    God is love and put that quality of love, the image of Himself, in the heart of mankind. God is merciful.. but Satan has no mercy.. Satan is out to destroy.

    Those elders who have been involved with disfellowshiping are aware of the conflict between what their heart tells them and the legalistic way they follow their religion.. if they are honest with themselves.. if they have a heart at all... and I believe they do.. but which will they follow? This is a very serious matter.

    JWs are being tested by Jehovah himself and I know this is true. The hurt and damage caused by an unscriptural disfellowshiping, is a very serious sin against Jehovah who has mercy. The angels (and demons) are watching to see if they put a unscriptural disfellowshiping above the mercy and love of God which should be in their hearts.

    Even if there are scriptural reasons for it, a disfellowshiping that causes broken hearts and destroys families and even suicide in some cases.. can be a greater sin that if a person has committed fornication.

    If people blindly go ahead with a disfellowshiping that cause so much hurt and even death, it is in effect spiritual fornication with the demons who want to destroy.


  • dungbeetle

    <"JWs are being tested over this by Jehovah Himself">

    No,no,no: JW's WERE TESTED over this by Jehovah himself -----and they flunked out badly. You know when? In the 1960's when they INVENTED disfellowshipping in the FIRST d**n place. I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments expressed by many, inclding possibly by you...It is an absolutely dEMONIC practice and a lesson to the whole world that this is a demonic organization.

    Remember, the JW's got by just fine for 50 years without it.


  • jed459

    Hi dungbeetle,

    There were no answers to my post and just as I was doing a re-edit.. I got your answer..

    I was misled by them about 25 years ago but I did not get disfellowshiped.. I left them.

    I have been pointing JWs to this forum but most are too scared to even look.. it speaks for itself.

    The WT society may have been tested when they started with the disfellowship thing I agree.. but as individuals they are being tested every time it happens.


  • gambler

    Just like any other cult, without shunning of family freinds and members they would eventualy die out.

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Take a look at Matthew 13:28-30,41 According to this scripture there should be no disfellowshiiping done today at all. Not for any reason!
    "The Servant said to Him,Then do you want US to go and weed them out? But He said, NO! lest in gathering the wild wheat {weeds resembling wheat} you root up the {true} wheat along with it.Let them grow together until the harvest; and at HARVEST TIME I will say to the reapers, Gather the darnel first and bind it in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my granery" Verse 41 shows us that it is the angels that Jesus instructs to do this work. NOw if Jesus has relinquished His position of appointed judge perhaps it would be alright to do that. Personally I have never read the scripture that even hints at such an idea. Have you? We have not yet arrived at that particular point of time in the harvest season. This parable by the way was given for the benefit of those who would be alive at that particular time. They were instructed not to weed them out. "NO! Let them grow together" Jesus said in so many words: That is my Job! Not any man's! The whole business of disfellowshipping is a travesty of justice with no equal!

  • jed459

    Hi Bill,

    Well, I think you have taken Matthew 13:28-30,41 slightly out of context.. which is about the allowing the field to grow with the weeds, until harvest time.. then the angels sort out the weeds from the good crop.

    I notice that in the parable that the weeds are tied in bundles.. they cannot move but have caused themselves to be bound and trapped by the angels. This happens at the harvest time as you said. Is it not harvest time now? Personally, I think it is harvest time as we see many religions and cults getting tied up.

    But about disfellowshiping it is a different thing to that. JWs use 1 Cor 5 as a basis for this where Paul says: "God will judge those outside, "Expel the wicked man from among you." 1 Cor 5:13

    This is clearly before the final harvest you will agree.. but what did that man do to get "expelled" or disfellowshiped?

    1 Cor 5:1 "It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, of a kind that does not occur even among the pagans: A man has his father's wife."

    The man who Paul said should be expelled was having sex with his own mother (or perhaps it was his mother-in-law)! Can we imagine that?!

    Yet the vast majority of disfellowshiped persons from the Watch Tower have not done anything near as bad as that!


  • jed459
    Just like any other cult, without shunning of family freinds and members they would eventualy die out.

    Yes,Gambler its control.. by fear.

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