After 1,000 years will you have salvation?

by cherjcd 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • cherjcd

    I am doing a research project on what the Watchtower says about the assurance or lack of assurance for Jehovah's Witnesses. Does anyone have a reference to the time period after the 1,000 years? Do Jehovah's Witnesses have the assurance that they finally have salvation? Or does the Watchtower allude to the ability to be able to fall away even during this time?



    Hey Cherjd,when I was there we were taught there would be a second cleansing.A second armagedon,after the 1,000yrs.Its probably the same now,unless they got new light(ha-ha-ha)...OUTLAW

  • cherjcd

    So...if you make it through the 1,000 years and the final cleansing, are you saved now? Or can you still fall away?



    Hey Cherjd,according to them,if you make it through the second armagedon your home free.You are saved.I really wouldn`t worry about it though,these guys haven`t been right in over a hundred years!...OUTLAW

  • Frenchy

    According to JW doctrine and teaching: The thousand years is a period of time in which mankind (the great crowd and those who are resurrected) grow to perfection under the guidance of Jesus and the 144,000. At the end of the thousand years, the devil is let loose for 'a little while'. He then begins a campain of trying to subvert mankind again, this time when they are all perfect, just as was the case with Adam and Eve. Even though the Scriptures mention the number that is drawn away from God as being like the sand of the sea, the Society maintains that this does not necessarily mean a large number. just means that it is not a fixed number. During this time ALL mankind is tested, including those who survived Armageddon (the great crowd) and ALL must pass the test or perish at a final conflict at which time, the 1) Devil; 2) All the demons; 3) And any humans who succumb all die the second death. (There is no resurrection from the second death)

    So, to answer your question, there is no assurance for final salvation until after the test at the end of the thousand years. According to the Society: EVEN THEN, MANKIND WILL NOT BE IMMORTAL. (Suggesting that someone might yet rebel and have to be destroyed) Not much is said beyond that.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • patio34

    Hi Cheryl,

    French's post sums it up accurately IMO. Just one more point, the WTS says people receive 'everlasting life' at that point (end of 1000 yrs) not 'immortality.'

    So, they are 'saved,' only from the inherited death from Adam, not from any possibility of death or falling away.

    It's not salvation in the sense of going to heaven and being immortal ever. That is, except for the 'heavenly class.'


  • cherjcd

    Thank you Patio34 and Frenchy,

    Sounds to me like the Watchtower is talking out of both sides of their mouth. After the 1,000 years you receive everlasting life but it may not be everlasting at all if you could still fall away and die.

    Isn't Jesus supposed to conquer the last enemy - death? If the WT is right then death will always be a possibility.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Given, the Society's capacity for perpetuating insecurity by leaving human destiny so ``iffy'' well into the next millenium and beyond, is it any wonder that so many JWs are neurotic.

  • Frenchy

    You're welcome, Cher. Patio is correct about the distinction between 'everlasting life' and 'immortality'. I mentioned this by saying: "Even then mankind will not be immortal." The society contends that not even the angels in heaven have immortality but that only Jehovah, Jesus have immortality and that the 144,000 are given immortality after their resurrection into heaven.

    My mother was quite upset by this when she heard it discussed at a meeting. She said something like: "You mean to tell me that after having gone through all of this...I still might end up being destroyed after all?"

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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