and let your vision darken. (this may be difficult to read with your eyes closed, but bear with me ;-)
Hear that monotonous hum? That's your computer fan. Hear that persistent hiss, that's your a/c. Hear the softer tone, that's your refrigerator. Now, crack open your window. Hear that clicking, ratchety sound? Those are crickets. They are a soft tempo amongst the frogs croaking. Feel that damp air with the night smell? Smells good, doesn't it. Fresh, clean, and relaxed.
Now, drift back in time. You were sitting on a creek bank, perhaps fishing, perhaps picnicking, and it started getting dark. This was years ago, and your best friend is sitting by your side. The frogs and crickets connect you with your past, and the night air remembers.
Listen to the sounds, and let your vision fade back to black. A zigzagging lighting fast line will zip back and forth across the horizon of your darkness, and dreams will beckon. And you can hear the sound of it coming. It seems to be drifting at first, but then it starts to take direction, and it's coming towards you. As it nears, you see a soft glow, and you know that the thing is much bigger than the soft glow you see in the darkness. You can hear truth, and you can see your purpose. And then you awake and see the dull computer screen. You wonder what your purpose was, but it will take you all your life to realize that you must write it. I can't do that.