The best things in life always take effort, commitment, and discipline (E.C.D). We always have a choice! You and I can take the simple easiest quickest route to have instant gratification or E.C.D. The price of ECD is always less than the price of regret.
Our choice to start the day with a positive mental attitude sets us up for success. Being responsible for self-control we choose our thoughts of being totally responsible for our own feeligns and actions. When we realie that we control our life and that it is just our perception of the circumstance, we have happier more fulfilled lives of joy, creativity and optimism.
NOW is the time to choose.
Choices of Champions:
Action over procrastination
Eager over lazy
Positive mental attitude over negative
Courage over fearful
Focus over scattered
Good manners over rudeness
I can over I can't
Cheerful over sad
Impeccable character
Enthusiasm over limp life
Punctual over late
Responsible over blame
Love over hate
Faith over fear
Passion over non-committed
Observation over judgment
Honesty over lying
Good over evil
What choices in leaving the JWs have you made?
To have courage rather than be fearful of armageddon? To say "I can" to all the things you used to say "I can't to? To have faith rather than fear of god's vengeance.