Take Action

by Mysterious 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    "It has long come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sit back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things" ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

    To get things done we need to take action. Things rarely happen on their own. Taking action can be difficult sometimes. It is easy to get on the road of someday and end up in the town of nowhere. So here are some actions we can take to develop the behavior to make taking action our daily habits.

    1) Bring your mind to the present moment. This will help you snap out of over thinking, then just DO IT NOW, DO IT RIGHT, DO IT ALL! On whatever has to be done.
    2) Be accountable to yourself. A consistent and healthy way to develop the habit of taking action is to answer to yourself. Set your own high standards and principles for how you will behave.
    3) Lighten up. When we are too serious about our challenges it's hard to get started. On the other hand onece we relax and lighten up we realize we are creating a lot of resistance in our own mind.
    4) To do lists -limit this to the absolute most important to get done today. Only 2-3 items. When we see we can finish what we start, it's easy to get moving.
    5) Get enthusiasm - this is our choice. We can hang our head in defeat before we start or lift up our chins and go for it!
    6) Start small - getting sttarted on a huge task can be over whelming. So start with a routine like cleaning your desk, start to move your body then you start to bring yourself into state to take action.
    7) Readers are leaders - to inspire ourselves to take action we need to read powerful and inspirational sayings and quotes.

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