The watchtower promotes dependency and conformity, which is exactly what "the Serpent" wanted from Eve, dependency and conformity to its thoughts.
The Watchtower promotes a Satanic Devilish view
by S3RAPH1M 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
The watchtower promotes dependency and conformity, which is exactly what "the Serpent" wanted from Eve, dependency and conformity to its thoughts.
Not at all. The serpent promoted independence and nonconformity. He revealed to Eve what YHWH had hidden from her. At no point did he try to coerce her into following his suggestion, unlike YHWH who used threats to force Adam and Eve to conform to his thoughts, and continued in the same pattern throughout the bible.
To paraphrase Ray Franz in "In Search of Christian Freedom", the WT promotes the relinquishing of your God-given right to exercise your own conscience and arrive at conclusions and convictions that are truly your own and a product of your own heart. You develop a condition where your "faith" is really a second-hand faith based on convictions and reasonings of others.
The watchtower promotes dependency and conformity, which is exactly what "the Serpent" wanted from Eve, dependency and conformity to its thoughts.
Yes. And I just figured out why they will discontinue the Book Studies. They already want to discourage independent groups discussing the Bible without WTS direct supervision. The Book Studies are a weak link in that effort, since it does promote private, one-on-one discussions about certain issues. Individuals can be influencial in these situations. So by discontinuing the Book Studies, there is little spontaneous opportunity for informal discussion between witnesses of anything. Thus the direct supervision and chance for straying from the WTS program is limited. Quite clever really. Furthermore, they always benefited by making sure enough material had to be covered so that there was really little time to fully discuss anything or ask question in depth. Now with information so condensed and just reviewed, even more details will slip past many. There is no time to notice the snow-job they are doing on the witnesses. So yes, conformity and dependence is increasing and the WTS cult organization is becoming more Orwellian than ever! JC
They probably heard about all the skipping of reading, question asking only, and spurring of real discussion. That real discussion stuff makes people go home to check ... the next thing you know....he he he.
Yes, the WT does just that.
It's like, we know that God says this, but let us show you something else ...
Just like the Devil!