With all their money!!!!

by Champion 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Champion

    Humanitarian Efforts
    Current News Releases

    09.01.05UNITED STATES: Local Witnesses Organize to Help Victims of Hurricane Katrina
    01.04.05UNITED STATES: U.S. hurricane cleanup set to conclude early in 2005
    08.29.03MONROVIA: In Monrovia, acts of kindness flourish despite rebel clashes
    01.24.02CONGO KINSHASA: Goma relief supplies being sent
    07.25.01UNITED STATES: Thousands of volunteers flood Houston

    This is all the Watchtower has listed on their website for the past 8 years for Humanitarian aid, how totally pathetic.

    Isn't that enough to show they are certainly not a loving organization?

  • golf2

    How like this system of government, sending billions $$$$$$ of aid to other countries while ignoring it's own citizens. Something smells here. They say charity begins at home, yeah right!

  • WTWizard

    Add protecting pedophiles and attempting to buy our government so they can control knowledge and start the whole world into the Second Dark Ages to the list.

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