Pray that your flight is not in winter. What does it mean? When I think of winter, the word BARREN comes to mind. The squirrels can no longer find acorns. The deer struggle through the cold snow to find a blade of grass. Sustenance is just not always available. The herds thin out. Some die of starvation; some die from the cold weather. Some become more vulnerable to predators as they come out into the open to forage. When there are no deliveries, the shelves become barren. Supplies may not be available, even if you have the money to purchase them. The Jews have a solemn ceremony called Kol Nidre. It means "Cold Night". It takes place on the eve of the Day of Atonement. (Although this solemn night is observed every year, it is intended to have symbolic meaning of a future event. That future event is about to come to fruition.) For those of us who will survive to see the return of Jesus in his glory, we must make it through the cold night that is coming. Go into your inner sanctum. Prepare yourselves for hibernation or running. Make plans for where you will stay "the night" and hunker down. Proverbs 22:3 The sharp man sees the evil and takes cover: the simple go straight on and get into trouble. Pray that your flight is not on Sabbath. During the time of Nehemiah, the city of Jerusalem was being desecrated on sabbath by opposers. Nehemiah ordered that the gates of Jerusalem be closed until the day was over. This became a law of the city and continued until the time of Jesus. What kind of desecration? Why? Opposers took advantage of the opportunity to show their hatred and ill will by vandalizing the city when everyone was inside the temple. What happened then is a foreshadowing of events to come today. As a reminder of this illustration, here is a story from a couple of years ago concerning vandalism on the sabbath in Jerusalem. The city has begun to lock up all payphones on the sabbath.,7340,L-3153991,00.html I imagine it was a similar sort of situation in the days of Nehemiah. How is this relevant to us today? There may come a time when crime, vandalism, and riots cause martial law to go into effect. This will result in curfews, lock-downs, checkpoints, searches and seizures. Any movement may be scrutinized or prohibited. The reference is made in that the gates of the city will be locked! WHY THE WORD FLIGHT? The reason you are told to "flee to the mountains" is especially important for you apostates and faders. The Watchtower has all of your contact information and has always kept records on you. They know your finances; they know your friends and family. Flee out of their range. To understand more about this, read my post on King of the North. I ask you all to pray without ceasing. Ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Comforter was sent to all of us and will give you discernment.