Court Orders Return of Sect Children to Parents
by jamiebowers 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
In this case I agree. Waco was a joke, the feds are trying to do it again.
Big brother can be worse than cults!
don't celebrate the militaristic state, they have enough ego. :-))
If the military had rescued me from the Dubs years ago.............
Religious freedom should at least be responsible for the lives they ruin.
The government in Texas has run amok in this case.
I see that they have now taken DNA from Warren Jeffs. About time. I have to wonder if they will try to file more charges against him in relation to those photos they aired? He certainly deserves to be where he is forever. I wonder if now, the woman who started all the hoax will be charged since the cost to the state alone is going to be astronimical. Everyone has been mysteriously quiet on her and the original guy that they accused of being the perp. sammieswife.
If this was a Muslim compound they would of all been executed by now. I say this because they are living a semitic life style much like Muslims in the middle east do IE marry young wives flaunting laws in the name of god. Yet Muslims are barbaric and Christians doing the same thing are protected by religious freedom, and patriots.
Why isn't the christian community denouncing this radical sect? Where is the out cry?
I think the government was totally wrong to take the chldren away from their mothers. It was cruel.
Lone Ranger
I am of the opinion that the government has acted completely properly of removing the children from the ranch. Since decades there is there are reports on what happens in the FLDS. It was the highest time to do against it something!