Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the little booklet called "Bible Topics for Discussion" published by the Society?
This is a larger version (more pages) of what is printed in the back of the smaller NW translation.
Has about 30-32 pages, printed on "Bible paper" and covers several topics. Very small, about the height and width of the WT tracts. We used to use it in pioneering a lot, not for distribution but for quick reference.
A scan of this publication would be nice, or I would purchase an actual printed one if the price is reasonable. Thanks,
Bible Topics for Discussion booklet
by tfjw 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
Bible Topics for Discussion.
Is this the one you want?
Click the download link by the red arrow at the bottom of the next page. N.
Atlantis, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you VERY much! and the extra stuff at the end brings back memories.