At least it did for me for.
Thought I'd Share this chart from the Life applicaton study bible.
Salvation through faith
Religon by Self-effort Salvation by Faith
Goal Please God by our own good works Trust in Christ and then live to
please God
Means Practice, diligent service, discipline, Confess, submit, and commit
and obedience, in hope of reward yourself to Christ's control
Power Good, honest effort through self- The Holy spirit in us helps us do
determination good work for Christ's kingdom
Control Self-motivation, self-control Christ in me; I in Christ
Results Chronic guilt, apath, depression, Joy, thankfulness, love,
failure, constant desire for approval guidance, service, forgiveness
Salvation by faith in Christ sounds to easy for many people. They would rather think that they have done something
to save themselves. Their religon becomes one of self-effort that leads either to disappointment or pride, but finally to eternal death.
Christ's simple way is the only way, and it alone leads to eternal life.