1930 The Great Pyramid Witness and the Biblical Plan of Salvation--PDF! BM=Bookmarked S=Searchable R=Reduced from 21-MB to 4-MB REF=Referenced with a second book for words or letters that may have weak ink quality in the old original documents. If the researcher comes across a word in the old documents that has faded ink, then they can scroll down to the second copy and find out what that word or phrase really is. Morton Edgar The 1930 date is approximate. The booklet is a defense of Russell's interpretation vs. Rutherford's interpretation, found in the 1928-Watch Tower-November-15th. Page 2 of this booklet states: " Being a defence of Brother Russell's interpretation of Isaiah 19:19,20, and a Reply to the charges made against the inspired testimony of the Lord's Stone Witness, the Great Pyramid, in the 15th November 1928 issue of the "Watch Tower." ************************************************************************* Click the download link by the red arrow at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/rtlauw N.
1930 The Great Pyramid Witness!-PDF (Morton Edgar)
by Atlantis 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thank you! It is great to read Russel's 'No room for doubt' take on the pyramid.
Thank you!
Another good one thanks Atlantis.
Mr. Majestic
Thanks Atlantis.
Now this should be an interesting read…..
Mr. Majestic:
Thank you!