Many people are familiar with what attracts people to someone of the opposite sex. For some, it is physical beauty. Others, it's wealth. Personality is another. There are other physical and emotional criteria as well. Some are attracted to others that are intelligent or that are more fully integrated than the average person, while others might be attracted to someone that is less intelligent and needs to be led.
Which is fine. However, what does the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger have to say about this? They have many a washtowel that tells us that none of the above mentioned criteria should matter at all. These are "physical" things, which Jehovah hates. Instead, they stress "spiritual" things. And by "spiritual", I do not mean having a sense of looking for the real truth, or having a sense of fully integrated honesty.
Instead, they mean their idea of spirituality. Men are supposed to look for "sisters" that are pioneers (one of the highest items, since there is very little else they can do), are daughters of hounders, in pioneer families, and that have gone to (or are in) Beth Hell. To hell with the looks, personality, intelligence, or wealth. Bonus points can be earned if a "sister" has (or is currently) served/ing where the "need" is great, is or was a missionary, or has a specialty of knowing a language (including sign language) so they can help those who do not speak English or that are hard of hearing.
The "sisters" are supposed to select a mate based on similar standards. These are pioneering (still a favorite), being hounders or assistant hounders (only men can have these burdens), having been to Beth Hell or currently there, missionary history or currently missionaries, having been through the Value Destroyer Training School and successfully completed all their assignments, and complete submission to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger in making decisions for the whole household. Again, such things as looks, personality, riches, and intelligence are to be totally disregarded.
This is blatantly against common sense. I never could see to marry someone that was totally ugly, stupid, a tyrant or one that had a lousy personality, broke, and had poorly integrated thinking solely because they were pioneers, having been through Beth Hell, came from a pioneer family, and was a child of a hounder. This is another one that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger can take and shove up their axxes.