Price of Fuel

by startingover 5 Replies latest social current

  • startingover

    This is the price of fuel in Baja California

    Magna.............$ 2.53 dollars per gallon
    Premium..........$ 3.18 dollars per gallon

    Diesel..............$ 2.15 dollars per gallon

    Magna is regular unleaded. I heard that they are limiting the amount fo diesel you can bring back across to around 120 gallons. I bet they are selling alot of it in the border towns.

  • Quirky1

    You wouldn't mind getting some for me would you?

  • Highlander

    If you are due for a smog test here in california, be sure not to use that cheap fuel. It's not as clean as ours and you may fail the test.

  • startingover

    I don't live near the border but go down a couple times a year for races. The exhaust does smell a bit wierd, but I haven't had any problems with it in bikes or cars. Never thought about the smog situation.

  • Highlander
    The exhaust does smell a bit wierd, but I haven't had any problems with it in bikes or cars

    Most likely you won't have any damage to your vehicle. I would say that your biggest risk would be long term damage to a catalytic convertor, but that is only if you run that stuff on a daily basis. Once in a while shouldn't hurt it, but if you try burning that stuff during a smog test then you may run into a bit of trouble and have to retake the test with a cleaner fuel.

  • WTWizard

    When you have a bicycle, the price of gas is always zero. Why? The price equals the unit price (per gallon or liter) times the amount you use. If you use zero, no matter how much the price per unit is, you multiply by zero and get zero.

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