How many of you suffer from back, neck, leg and knee pain or digestive problems, depression, anxiety or even other symptoms. I read this book called " The Mindbody Connection by Dr John E. Sarnoand his other book call "Healing back pain" and have just about healed my back pain. After reading the book the first time my pain completely disappeared! But it has come back off and on. The book describes how it takes time to completely get rid of it for some who have more repressed emotions. I'm sure this book would help a lot of you who have pain, depression and anxiety from repressed anger and rage in the unconscious mind. I know I sure do from being a witness for 15 years! Plus other issue that I/you have repressed since child hood. Check it out. It is working for me and I'm glad because I have had a lot of pain since I was dfed and now it is starting to heal!
TMS tension myositis syndrome
by Tan Hai-chi 7 Replies latest watchtower medical
I think a lot of health and immune system issues can stem from supressed emotions of having not dealt with things.
I've been reading a lot on this line and there are some very interesting thoughts.
I see it in people I massage. It's so interesting as a therapist to see this happen in a massage - when I am massaging the area of pain, the client starts to remember things and talk about the memories. I often think that remembering and reframing the past has as much to do with overcoming pain as the massage does. For instance, I massaged a woman with chronic low back pain. In every massage, every time I started massaging her hip, she started talking about falling off a horse when she was a girl in the Philippines. When the massage was over she wouldn't remember that part. Interesting, eh? I've had clients remember all sorts of painful things while getting a massage, some pretty weird. The mind has a memory that is triggered by working on the painful area associated with the memory.
Tan Hai-chi
Thanks Hort for that information that is very interesting and goes along with what this Dr Sarno is saying. I bet he would like to here about this massage connection. The Brain who can figure it out eh! It's got a mind of it's own! All I can say is my pain has gotten ten times better and now I have days with no pain! I'm off to get a massage!
I absolutly believe in a 'mind / body' connection. Our body is a chemical factory. With every thought we produce chemicals that effect every cell in the body, be they benefical or toxic. Every experience is recorded on the brain so even the memory of an experiece will produce that chemical reaction again.
I had a painful health issue, Fibromyalgia, doctors told me it was 'all in my head'. Turns out they were right. I began to read about quantum physics and the mind/body connection. Depac Chopra, Adrew Weil, Peter Russell and many books on Chinese medicine helped me understand how to use my brain to heal my body. Meditation was a key. More recently 'The Secret' book on positive thinking was very helpful.
I've posted this before about Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but it fits this topic.
According to a recent study, IBS is a condition that appears to be directly affected by personal circumstances that cause frustration and repressed emotions. The example given was of women who live under an authoritarian husband and are not allowed to express their feelings. I have a JW aunt who has suffered horribly from this miserable condition for years. Many years ago she had hinted around to me (the notorius apostate nephew) that she was interested in why I had rejected the "truth". I offered her a copy of CoC which she took. When my elder uncle found he made her return it to me unread and he cracked down on her. This included cruel, severe shunning of their daughter who had married a wordly man. She has gone along with the program ever since, even denying that she ever had questions about the org. She is now 66 yrs old and the IBS has almost made her an invalid. Doctors have never been able to find a cause. I think I know what the problem is.
Ever hear of Dr. Ida Pauline Rolf?
Tan Hai-chi
In Dr. Sarnos books he talks about TMS manifesting itself in different ways. IBS, muscle pain, depression, anxiety, skin rashes, headaches list goes on and the all come on either gradually or very sudden.