Life is Good, and bad but lately more good.

by frankiespeakin 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Well the last couple of weeks have been a tailspin of events. Been in the desert where my old girlfreind is squatting a on her brothers $1.4 million mansion,, the ecconomy is way down there and many homes are deserted and reposseded. Got to make losts of good connections in Mexico,, met an old geologist(norwiegen) might do some mining with him in the future he's a crusty old 76 smokes lots of mj,,,met some good people there with some possible business connections,, it was nice to be befreinded by an english speaking national who stayed with my gf and eye even opened up his apartment for us to stay and giving us the grand tour and helping us save our money and meet interesting people.

    Life on the ranch or mansion was serene,, she's got a huge doberman pick of the liter from Gracie, the doby I bought her for protection. Also an old horse that came with the property,, that follows me around everywhere. I was able to do some heavy Ayahuasca trips and did one at the ranch started babbling out loud and had to spend most of the night outside where I wouldn't disturb those trying to get some sleep. It was great,, the horse was a bit of a pest as he keep licking me and every now and then take a gentle nibble,, I was tripping so hard I had to get in my car and still the horse stuck his head in and wouldn't leave me alone till I got a little mean with him kicked his ass out of my car. It was nice seeing the sun come up as I gradually came down from the trip. I had tons of energy and open to new possiblities.

    I have lots of GF's and they all seem to like each other not much jealousy,,, almost like one big happy family where they are not fighting but excepting. I have one 27 year old gf and she respects the older women in my life,, and my old gf is trying to hook me up her best gf,, which I am resisting simply because I have a full plate already.

    These girls are in my corner,, they have seen me change to a more and more over the years and they like the changes and they seem to go along what I'm doing and know I need space and respect it.

    Hey I think Obama is going to win the election and do a lot to help the american people get back thier rights and stop this war. My out look bright for the future, and here's to living outside the box.

  • frankiespeakin

    I have also been befriended by a gangster or a couple of them they call me OG(Old Gangster) affectionately,, my connection with them goes back a few years,, I got to know thier lives and how they live and no longer live that life,, they were looking for a change and they just lached on to me and we smoked tons of the best MJ around became close friends and I have watched them change so much man,, I think it was a combination of our intereaction and the coupious amounts of MJ allowed them to do a better introspection.

    No problems with the law,, they snooped on me a little partly because of company kept, and loud gangster music,, and the steady stream of mj smoke surrounding my where abouts,, I seem to have a good repore with most of johnny law,,,While driving in the desert smoking blunt after blunt,, I was tired and let my friend drive who licents was suspended and on parole.; It was open road and he was speeding and we got pulled over, clocked at 87mph. Managed to reason with the statetrooper to let us go on our merry way with no ticket, with me driving of course.

    I think there are a lot of nice people in the world and you can reach them and they will let you slide or something when you reach thier good side.

  • nvrgnbk
    here's to living outside the box

    You certainly know how to do that, frankie.

    Mexico is looking pretty good right now.

    My best to you, bro.

    P.S. Easy on the ayahuasca.

  • Hope4Others

    Hey Frankie,

    Been awhile since you've been here...sounds as if you are partying pretty hard there.

    Amazing what energy a 54 year old has........

    P.S. Easy on the ayahuasca.

    I second that!

    Did you read and of those Carlo's books yet?



  • frankiespeakin


    Yeah I read ya man. I've done plenty which I am rather proud of. Walking around with so many new ideas and getting to undue some basic programming has it's unsteady moments as world views change they take some getting used to,, a good friend base helps alot.


    I haven't been reading much lately, but will probably get it one day and give it a look over I never read every word but skim and home in on interesting parts.

  • nvrgnbk
    give it a look over I never read every word but skim and home in on interesting parts.

    So you got the ADD too, frankie?

  • Satanus

    Good to hear from you, frankie. Glad that you're making progress.


  • frankiespeakin


    So you got the ADD too, frankie ?

    Maybe never really sat down and thought about it.


    Thanks good to hear from you. Yeah we all have our goals to more enlightenment, glad to read you are makeing progress too.

  • Anti-Christ

    Hey dude, glad to hear that life is trippy, I'm going to pm you I have a few things to ask you.

  • frankiespeakin

    I had my gf stay at my place she used to be a madam, but mostly does massage for income(does quite well). She sorta semi retired, but needed some money so stayed with me to make some money, she and my younger gf fixed up my office to do massage. It was cool me upstairs playing my music as loud as I want, and my 2 favorite girls doing massage below,,getting along and sharing,,both telling me to be more affectionate,,no rivalry,,even introduced one of them to my exwife no problems.

    Everyone made some money, they needed,, and I got a lions share of lovin from some of the women in my life.

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