We had the usual Amway,natural cures ect one sister sold life insurance and would not take NO for an answer. As far as amway goes one bro drove everyone mad had to just about threaten him before he went away. One family seemed to be into every get rich quick (millions by monday) scheme they gave a talk about it at the service metting however they were not put off that easyley.
Did you have many bro's & sisters try to sell you stuff at the KH?
by karter 2 Replies latest jw experiences
Back in the early 1990s, I had witlesses trying to sell me stuff. There was a "supplement" called barley greens. I could see that it was effectively worthless, having no benefit other than what other barley grass found in health food stores would have. I didn't buy into that one.
About the same time, there was a product called KM. This was a nasty tasting liquid that was supposed to cleanse one's body. It was also supposed to have health benefits--I forgot what specifically it was supposed to do, and I doubt the product even exists today. Which is not a big loss--the product did precisely nothing except waste about $32. Goji juice is probably the closest to what KM was supposed to do, except goji juice tastes much better and actually has some antioxidant benefits. KM--well, it does help the witlesses that sell it get richer.
Then there was a witless that went out on garbage day looking for old TVs to refurbish. I bought one from this witless, for about $125 (a 13" set). That was early in 1993. Back in those days, a new 13" set at the store went for between $175 and 200 for a decent one. Often, he would try to sell those things to other witlesses.
Aside that, I have not seen witlesses trying to sell me things, and certainly nothing like I am hearing about these days.
Yeah - ex-CO would try to sell everyone this stuff - down to where you could not actually talk to him comfortably:
Then there was Xango, Mangosteen. Pioneer brother was on the phone all day during service selling this stuff and counting his time. Think he was more on the cell phone than actually at a door.
I can't think of a KH where they weren't selling something or other. Candle parties, Pampered Chef, you name it.