Yeah the topic says it all. Or an x-jw community would even be better =) However, I can't find one. The only thing I can find is forums everywhere. If a community doesn't exist, wouldn't that be a great entrepreneurial idea?
Looking for an atheist-community
by AntiKrist 7 Replies latest jw friends
You found it..
Have you seen this -- it's the website for the Swedish Humanist Association: Maybe you can meet some like-minded atheist people there.
I didn't know there were anti-atheist laws in Sweden. For example, the king of Sweden must be a Christian. It's the law.
Here are others:
- The king of Sweden must according to the law be a Christian. This is seen as an endorsement of Christianity by many atheists. [5]
- Until 2000, Sweden had an official state church. Even after the law was changed, there is a special law that regulates the church and its affairs. [6]
- In many public schools, the commencement after each semester is held in a church and a priest delivers a sermon. Sometimes schools go to church to celebrate holidays. When atheists have objected to this "tradition", politicians have defended it. On 26 October2006, the Swedish minister of schools, Jan Björklund, stated that "We should not have any general rules in Sweden that you may not continue to have school commencements or ceremonies in a church any longer. There will definitely be no change on that issue." [7]
- In October 2006, the Swedish Humanists filed a complaint to the ombudsmen of parliament [8] and The Chancellor of Justice [9] about sermons arranged by the parliament because, the Humanists claimed, it was contrary to secularization, and thus discriminating against non-Christians, including atheists. Both the ombudsmen and the chancellor concluded that they had no jurisdiction over the issue and chose not to comment further on the case. Thus, these sermons will continue.
- There is special funding to religious NGOs, "trossamfund", Lag (1998:1593) om trossamfund. According to Swedish law, in order to register a trossamfund one must organize divine services. Thus secular and/or atheist organisations who fill the same purpose as religious groups are discriminated from this funding. There is no equivalent funding for secular groups [10]
Gopher, you're right. I know of the humanists official organization. And I must agree with the discrimination going on towards atheists. What can one say, everything with tradition goes right? However, that's not what I'm looking for. I'm talking about a community where one can post pictures and write in eachothers guest books. Much like myspace or facebook, but for atheists in particular. However, there might already be such a group or sub-network available on the sites I just mentioned? Are you guys member of any community and/or any subgroup in particular?
Yes, AntiKrist. I'm on Richard Dawkins social forum. Within there, there are local communities as well.
Try the Brights. I'm a member.
S4 -
Lady Zombie
Go here
That is the search page for the American Humanist Organization. You can search for local Humanist groups in your area. The majority of Humanists are either agnostic or atheist. Anyway, most local Humanist organizations offer a chance to get together with your fellow atheists in real life.
And Richard Dawkin's website has a forum for atheist discussions.
Your in luck, friendo. We've just incorporated, here in Texas, the world's first atheistic exJW/exMormon communal community! I'm still taking suggestions for names, but we're feeling pretty good about "The Sansyaweh Polygamy Ranch".