i've lived in florida 12 years of my life and georgia te other 38.
i kind of count the 7 moths as bethel as surreal time that didn't really happen.
i've been in love 4 times. 3 with straight men. David from high school. first love
but deep. Rick from Bethel, surreal as i mentioned. John from Jacksonville,
the deepest of the three. i tend to idealize my memories of John. yes he
was beautiful but we had little in common about what we enjoyed or how we
felt about life.
then i met Mitch who is and always will be my soul mate. the memory of him
is so deep in me that sometimes i can smell him as if he were in the room.
i was in full time service for 2 years, 7 months at bethel and 17 months full
time pioneering. 28 years working, 25 in banking and 3 in market research.
2 years i've been semi-retired (not sleeping in a truck).
30 years i lied about who i was, the last 20 i have been truthful.
my big trip is coming up. only about 3 weeks to go. i'll write about it when
its complete.
i'm thinking i want to be a storyteller.
by joelbear69 4 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like a good outlook on life is within you.
I want to be an author, but I don't have the direction fully in me yet.
The experts say to write everyday. I am starting to apply that.Tell a story everyday, not necessarily to us. It will make you
get better and better. Oh, we would prefer it was to US."Tell us a story, Uncle Joelbear."
compound complex
Greetings, Joelbear:
Thank you for your little bit of personal history. Your candor is refreshing and your warm, human spirit shines brightly.
One formerly of Caja Bon Dieu (Creole for you know where!)
I used to post here years ago, then had a break from the board and the last few months have started posting back.
I remember you well from years back and you have an incredible way of putting pen to paper. What you have inside of you is truly a gift. Your words have stirred emotion up in me and this is one thing i remember you for when i see your name here now. You can stir feelings in many the way you write, it would be a great shame if you don't explore this gift you have to the full.
Anyway, when your first novel is published i want a signed copy.
I hope you have the time of your life on this trip, enjoy it, drive safely and tell us all
about it on your return.