"The Golden Bough" discusses a West African Tribal practice not unlike that done by Israel in the wilderness.
Chapter 52 "Killing the Divine Animal" subheading "Killing the Divine Serpent":
West Africa appears to furnish another example of killing the sacred animal and its preservation. The negroes of Issapoo in the island of Fernando Po, regard the Cobra-Capella as their GUARDIAN DEITY, who can do them good or ill, bestow riches or inflict disease and death. The skin of one of these reptiles is hung tail downwards from the highest tree in the public square, and the placing of it on the tree is an annual ceremony. As soon as the ceremony is over, all children born within the past year are carried out and their hands made to touch the tail of the serpents skin. The latter custom is a way of placing the infants under the protection of the tribal god.
The Psylli, a snake clan of ancient Africa used to expose their infants to snakes in the belief that the snakes would not harm true-born children of the clan."
I thought this deserved another thread. It is quite clear now that the Exodus was actually a whole series of emigrations over many centuries, by different tribes and peoples. This is hinted at in the account which says a "vast mixed company" left Egypt.
The episode of Aaron shows that people who had a Bull as totem came that way, and examination of the clean and unclean animals of the law reveal the approved and disapproved totems of the emigrating clans which eventually became the "historical" (I use the term advisedly) Nation.
Snake cults would no doubt have been one group leaving Egypt at some point, and their own tales of deliverance by their god have no doubt been adapted and corrupted over many centuries into the biblical account.
I forget the name of the Egyptian snake god, and its meaning.