Harry Potter's "Leaven"....

by AGuest 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    There are those who may wish to mislead you with 'artfully contrived words' and attempt to 'show' you what is 'leaven'. However, we have had it recorded FOR us as to what 'leaven' is... and it is NOT fantasy nor 'demonism'... but HYPOCRISY. The demons were not accused of hypocrisy; rather, it was those who were self-righteous... who did not see their OWN uncleanness, but instead always looked for it in others and other things... that were accused by my Lord of being full of 'leaven'.

    Indeed, Harry Potter depicts "good" "witchcraft" and "magic"; however, I cannot find nor hear where such "goodness" was condemned by my Lord. What I CAN find... and DO hear... is his condemnation of what is "bad" as manifested by those who place burdens on others that they themselves cannot bear, who judge in unrighteousness, who wrongfully and hypocritically condemn, while they themselve exist in 'error'.

    Is the Harry Potter series 'wrong'? Perhaps. Who can say what is 'lawful' for any others? However, I do not see 'leaven', in that I do not see where there is hypocrisy or deceit. The Potter series appears to make NO deceptive or hypocritical bones about what it is. What I HAVE heard is 'wrong', though, is to place others under loads and burdens and fears and judgment and condemnation... rather than allowing them entry into a Covenant of LOVE... that grants mercy, kindness, forgiveness... and a release. And I have 'heard' that 'leaven'... is HYPOCRISY and DECEIT... which I tend to find MORE of in 'religion'... than I think I might in Harry Potter stories.

    In the recorded life of my Lord, people were caught in ALL kinds of situations which 'transgressed' the Law they were 'under'... the Law Covenant... and for which they SHOULD have been stoned... or ostracized. Some were 'unclean' by means of their flesh... some by means of their conduct (extortion/Zacchaeus; adultery/the Samaritan woman and the woman of John 8:1-11). Some were 'unclean' by means of a hateful heart (Saul of Tarsus). Yet... who did my Lord stone? Who did he ostracize? And was he not the One 'without sin'... the FULFILLER of the Law Covenant in that he kept EVERY iota of it? Why, then, did he not judge and condemn transgressors of Law, but instead condemned those who judged and condemned such ones?

    Rather, my Lord ALWAYS showed MERCY to such ones... and 'freely forgave' them! And he DID so NOT because it was 'law' to do so, but because as my Lord said of himself, "I WANT TO." He WANTED to release people, rather than bind them again to condemnation due to acts and circumstances against the Law Covenant.

    If, then, that is the 'pattern' set and left for us to 'follow'... are we to be like the proud, self-righteous Pharisees who constantly scrutinized everyone ELSE... and bound them under Law... and did 'just so' when it came to giving the 'tenth'... but COMPLETELY disregarded the 'weightier' matters of the Law? Or are we to be like the True Light... and exercise justice, loving kindness and mercy... which we can MANIFEST by 'FREELY forgiving' those who 'transgress' against us and leaving 'vengeance' for those who transgress against JAH... to JAH? For indeed, unlike US... perhaps my Father will show mercy... for He does show it to whomever HE pleases.

    STOP judging one another. STOP binding one another. STOP placing burdens on people that you yourself cannot bear. Since ALL have fallen short of the glory of God, and since ALL have sinned, and when you transgrress ONE Law... you transgress them ALL... be ready, instead, to FORGIVE... rather than condemn. For if you forgive men their trespasses... you will be forgiven YOUR trespasses. For indeed, with the same judgment that you are judging, you WILL be judged.

    May you have 'ears' to hear what the Spirit says.

    A true slave of Christ,


  • Fredhall

    Harry Potter sucks!!!!

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