I am currently reading the book, "The Sign of the Last Days When?" by Carl Olof Jonsson & Wolfgang Herbst.
It completely debunks the Society's claims concerning Famine, Earthquakes, Pestilences, etc.
They provide documentation showing the information quoted by the Society in their publications is not what the people really said. Even have copies of letters from some of the people.
The book was written in 1987 and contains documentation up to that time. It is one that I've seen mentioned on JWD before but after reading half of it so far, I believe it needs to be on our list of books we suggest to Newbies.
I like the quotation they give at the beginning of the Preface: "What terrible wars, both foreign and domestic! what pestilences, famines . . . and quakings of the earth has history recorded!" - Tertullian, in Ad Nationes, writing in the year 197 A.D.
It begins by discussing 1914 in Chapter 1 - Our 20th Century - Time of the End?