What would you do if you know JW lie to you about something?
by asilentone 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would definitely let them know about it... I am tired of being gullible...
What if a JW or perhaps, JW's lie to you many times over......over the course of many years? the truth would be elusive at best. JW's call the process of getting at the truth..."new light".....Being a victim of a lie or lies by anyone is disheartening, in fact you can loose your life, your family, material things, when a person is not told the truth. When the folks that call themselves witnesses of the one true god, Jehovah tell an untruth be it individually or collectively, the results are almost always catastrophic in nature. When anyone lies to you....all you can do is pick up the pieces and go on. Quite often most modern day organizations of religion are large enough and powerful enough that there is no accountability to them when lies are told by them over and over again. I suppose this is way too much information! Well, that's my "get up on my soapbox" sermon for tonight!
thechickennest, I appreciate your post!
Document it and report it to the apostates. :)
Well to get them to even talk to me I'd have to lie to them.
But in answer to your question, Id expect it so no biggie.
okay, if I lie about something back to them, then I will not get in trouble?
then I will not get in trouble?
Not if you are self-sovereign. If you let them think they have power over you... then... yes I guess you get in trouble.
If they made a pattern of lying to me, I would certainly not trust them for anything. Isolated lies, particularly when they are under pressure or wishful thinking, are acceptable (I have had children tell me that kind of lies, and do not hold that against them). However, when they make a pattern of lying so I will continue suffering and doing their bidding, that is when I cut them off.