Too true?

by IP_SEC 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    I have a tendency to say exactly what I think.

    I've a friend that destroyed our relationship with drugs and alcohol. I feel I've been very supportive of her recovery. Today she wondered aloud why I'm not as close to her as I was before. She's clean and seems to be doing great.

    I said, "for fear that you might relapse in to your bad habits" There was nothing but quiet after that.

    Was I wrong? God I hope not to... I dunno. Was I wrong?

  • stillajwexelder

    no - with somebody who talks straight you genearlly do not get bull shit - you may not hear what you want to hear but at least you do not get bull

  • SixofNine

    nah, you're right to say what you think. Maybe some follow up discussion though, just because a person like that can get down on themselves, with bad results?

  • Hortensia

    I believe in telling the truth - I hope you said it kindly, but it was true and people need to recognize that what they do can damage other people. It's part of the cost of drug addiction and alcoholism that people don't trust you anymore, with good reason.

  • Satanus

    Trust takes a while to come back. It's probably better for her to have someone that holds her accountable for her actions. She knows that shit incurs losses.


  • caliber

    A no B.S. man I think I'm beginning to like you !


  • IP_SEC

    LOL I forgot about this thread.

    Caliber, NO BS with me. Well there is BS but when Im BSing you know it.

    Its like this. She is doing good. Im sure she isnt on drugs anymore. Not that I have a problem with people on drugs. Its just when drugs and what they come with ruin your relationships.

    How do I know if it was the drugs that caused the problem or if it was just a bad personality trait? We lived together for 6 months. Part of it was great, part of it was utter hell. I think the drugs caused the utter hell part but I cant wrap my brain around that utter hell being over with. What if it wasnt just the drugs that were the problem?

  • caliber

    You only step on a landmine once , right ?


  • Hope4Others
    How do I know if it was the drugs that caused the problem or if it was just a bad personality trait? We lived together for 6 months. Part of it was great, part of it was utter hell. I think the drugs caused the utter hell part but I cant wrap my brain around that utter hell being over with. What if it wasnt just the drugs that were the problem?

    Only time will tell, but a true friend will tell it like it know that you can count on them to be honest to you...

    Thats where I differ, drugs ruin lives, drugs are a choice....I'd walk and keep walking.....


  • IP_SEC
    You only step on a landmine once , right ?


    Yes sir you are right. I'll not step on that particular land mine again. Its just I dont want to cross the line betwixt being supportive and helpful and pushing someone back to an old way of life. I also dont want to get burned again. I want to be a friend but not a door matt.

    I think Im a little bit more clear headed about it today. I dont think I did the wrong thing. I answered a question as honestly as I could. Thats all.

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