Revelation 16:16 (Message Bible)
The frog-demons gathered the kings together at the place called in Hebrew Armageddon.
Sounds like a Bilderberg meeting to me!
Do take note... there isa controlling entity behind the kings ......
The Frog-Demons.
Now here's an interesting note about frogs:
Since the early stages of frog and mammalian development proceed along remarkably similar paths, many events monitored in a developing frog can be extrapolated to human development. Therefore, we learn about human biology from studying frogs.
The word "amphibian" comes from Greek—both lives. Amphibians became the first vertebrates to live on land, and like their "cold-blooded" reptile relatives, depend on external energy sources (such as the sun) to maintain their body temperatures.
Demons are fallen angels. Angels are a different life form. They are "alien".
Considering the above information, could it be possible that these frog-demons are morphed creatures?
Part mammal, part reptile? Part human, part alien (angel)?
Are the actions of evil people and evil entities not referred to as "cold blooded"?
Is it possible that the nephilim still exist on this earth and direct the current events?
Since satan is the ruler of this earth and all kingdoms are it possible that this old testament god is satan? Didn't god cut off communication with humans when they allowed satan to usurp authority in the garden of eden? Was there some interplanetary battle for control of earth and mankind? Was our Creator defeated early in the game? Was it explained as a fable handed down orally? Was Jesus sent to let us know that all is not lost and there is a greater plan in the works?
I think the only communication we have with the true Creator is through his emissary son, Jesus.
John 5:
37 And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard his voice nor seen his form,
If this is true, then that means "the Father" was not the one speaking to Moses.
Have you never heard of the horns on Moses? put it in your search engines!
John 14:
7 If you really knew me, you would know [a] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."
Jesus did not promote hate, violence, nor wars. He was nothing like the old testament god. Could it be he was telling us the old testament god was not "the Father"? This scripture seems to invalidate anyone who has come before implying they are from the "creator" or "the Father".
Can you be sure the old testament god is not satan the ruler of this world? Can you be sure that any true communication from our Creator has not been changed by nephilim scribes?
What is about to happen does not come from your Creator!
Living Translation:
16 And the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name Armageddon
New Century Version:
16 Then the evil spirits gathered the kings together to the place that is called Armageddon in the Hebrew language.