Looking back on it now,after over twenty years as an "apostate", the WTS position on holidays is amusing if nothing else. The organization has convinced it's followers that only one day of special observance is sanctioned by "Jehovah". That is the Memorial Celebration. They would suggest that cranky ol' Jah will not contenance any other expressions of gratitude or celebration without his condemnation of those who dare do so. Also, the great "Jehovah", God of Israel, has so much free time on his hands that he keeps track of peoples "holiday" errors and judges them accordingly.
Let's briefly consider the pre-Christian era of the nation of Israel (Jehovah's chosen people). They had a festival, special day, special year or celebration for almost everything imaginable. Now the argument would be made by JW's that Jehovah commanded the Israelites to celebrate these things in this way. This paints a picture of Israelites as ungrateful, thoughtless subjects, who were only able to show their thankfulness to Jehovah at his direction and command. No spontaneous expressions of thanks allowed. If I tell my children that they can live in my house, eat my food, spend my money and have my protection, if and only if they say "thank you" to me
on certain days and at certain times, or they may lose these things, how would I ever know if they really loved or cared about me? Furthermore, if they thank me on any other day, or in any other way they will bring about my displeasure. How fucked up is that?
Bringing us to the modern celebration of Thanksgiving, how dare people set aside a special day in November to give thanks to God for whatever it is that people may be thankful for. Why risk pissing God off, since he didn't instruct us to have a celebration of "Thanksgiving"?
So you see, the absurdity of JW rules about holidays can only be seen when you have separated yourself from the brainwashing of the governing body. I wish there were a burning hell so each and every one of the Brooklyn bastards past and present could burn in it for eternity.
Happy Thanksgiving All!