Interestingly, after I left the witnesses after 25 years, I found out that I was still a member of our local Methodist church! I just picked up and went on again as a Methodist......I never resigned. Does this mean that technically I was never really was a JW because I did not resign from my church before getting baptized as JW?
Were you forced to resign from your church before getting baptized a JW?
by Thechickennest 5 Replies latest jw experiences
Oh, if it was only that easy to erase those 25 years! But be careful - if anyone finds out, they might try to nullify your JW baptism, which means you are fresh meat to be converted! (Just kidding.)
I was forced to send a disassociation letter to the Catholic church before I could go out in field circus. And they forced me to go out in field circus before the letter could even reach its destination, and I never got a reply (meaning that, if the letter got lost in the mail or mishandled at the church, I am still technically a Catholic).
At least I had a working address to send in my disassociation letter with the Catholic church, and there was no way they were going after me to throw out that decision. Which is more than can be said about the witlesses.
*** w66 8/1 pp. 464-465 par. 15 Baptism Shows Faith ***Is one carrying on any practices of false worship? He must examine himself and cut off all connections with worship similar to that practiced in ancient Babylon and now under auspices of the world empire of false religion described in Bible language as Babylon the Great in Revelation 18:2. A man who will fulfill his obligations toward the living God Jehovah must give attention to the heavenly advice: "And I heard another voice out of heaven say: ‘Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.’" (Rev. 18:4, 5) If one belongs to or works for organizations or bodies of worshipers connected with Babylon the Great he would properly submit his resignation, remembering how Jesus himself was in no way a false worshiper at the time of his presenting himself to God and baptism. Only in so doing can a person give Jehovah his exclusive devotion.—Ex. 20:5.
The JWs wanted me to send a letter of resignation to the Catholic church, but I never did. I told them I didn't see any need to do it as I hadn't been active as a Catholic for a few years. They didn't press the issue. They probably didn't want to miss out on another potential statistic in the congregation records.
I am still technically a Catholic
That's right, WTW and FF. Once a Catholic, always a Catholic. You can send in all the letters you want but the Church will always consider you Catholic, if you've been baptized.
Feel free to go to confession on Saturday afternoon and dive back into Mass.