okay, so I came across this 'world wide message" not sure how old the pamphlet is, but I came across something that I thought was interesting. there is a section called False Religion; the headlines read meddles in war and politics spreads false doctrine and tolerates immoral sex. if you have this article look at tolerates immoral sex.. there is a sentence that reads : "Even churches that condemn immorality have tolerated religious leaders who have sexually abused children." okay so its not okay for other religions to abuse children but is okay for the watchtower society to do so? double standard, wouldn't you think?
the end of false religion is near!
by bite me 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
I got that pamphlet stuck in my Ranch gate last summer..It must have cost them a fortune in gas,to bring that worthless piece of crap all the way up here..LOL!!........."The end of False Religion is Near"..They Lied!!..There`s still Jehovah`s witness`s around.................................
bite me
they're only still around until the end of false religion. So if the group ever disapears for some mysterious reason then we'll know we're close.