This is too funny. I post on a kind of "gentlemans forum" where anything goes, all is talked about etc. It's really cool. 99% guys talking about watches, cars, guns, babes, etc.
Anyway, one of the newer topics was from a guy that was asking why JW's are always being rude and trying to push Awake! magazines on him at the train station. He was very agitated about them. One of the other forum members posted this tidbit, which is just too classic and I had to post here. I have not edited his response at all. Here goes...
......."A customer wanted me to investigate one of his employees for violating the companies acceptable use agreement (looking at porn on company time).
I found that he was looking at several shopping sites involving womens underwear and nighties, but nothing that amounted to porn.
Turns out the owner of the company was a JW and the employee was his elder.
He wasn't concerned about porn, but that his employee was looking to buy his wife a CHRISTMAS present, which is against the beliefs of the JW's. He was using this to get him removed from his post at the kingdom hall."
What a fine, shining example of brotherly love my "worldy" friend got about how JW's TRULY handle their affairs, etc. This situation is truly disgusting. I mean, maybe the Elder had it coming, who knows, but for his JW employer to go to this extreme (hiring my friend to do computer monitoring) is insanity.
Is there no wonder people don't even want to talk to them?????? Everyone on the other forum now knows I am an "X-JW" and they all find it interesting in the least, especially since many associate the JW's paranoia and end of the world rhetoric to The People's Temple, and drinking the cool-aide, Jim Jones manipulation, etc.
Wing Commander