I celebrated Christmas for about 8 years with zeal, and a few years afterward because my dad forced it on us. (I was one of those who loved learning the ‘truth’ and readily gave up holidays.) For years and years, and even to this day, Christmas carols would give me warming feelings of love and joy and family… the music would bring out the memories and emotions of the time of year. I always felt it hard to suppress those feelings come December and I always missed my family the most then.
So mom has the Kingdom melodies playing… cause now since she has denied everything I have told her and accused me of being an apostate with ‘no hope’, she has gone into super spiritual mode and plays those songs without letup.
Now I can’t help when hearing the melodies, all the emotions surface of how those melodies use to make me feel; warm, happy, loved… all that crap.
So... anyone else experience this. The feelings that Christmas carols brought up never went away… I guess I can expect when I hear the Kingdom melodies, those feelings will haunt me forever too?
Do kingdom melodies make you feel the same as did Christmas carols?
by song19 5 Replies latest jw friends
You're mother still lives with you? You poor thing!
I think of those songs... I hear them... and I think,,,, I think,,,, oh my god, turn that sh*t off right NOW.
I, for one, have no emotional attachment whatsoever. But I didn't really grow up in it per se.
Be Joyful, be joyful....
Click on the link to listen to the drivel - I'm not saying that I can sing any better, but my GOD!
A brother managed to set some up as ring tones for my mom's cell phone..... Her current is "God's Promise of Paradise"
My most indoctrinated songs are:
The ones I automaticall start singing :
Hail Jehovah's Firstborn, Forward You Witnesses!, Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!, Jehovah's Word is Faithful, Then They Will Know, Takes Sides with Jehovah, From House to House, O' Walk With God, and of course the mighty belted We Are Jehovah's Witnesses!
Mom's household chores tunes:
Be Joyful for the Kingdom Hope, This is the Way, Listen to the News of the Kingdom, Children- Precious Gifts from God, & Joyful All Day Long....followed by Snow White's Whistle While you Work!
.....can you tell I spent my life in a sheltered theocratic world?
When I was in the cancer, the Christmas carols made me sick. I could literally feel myself wasting energy fighting them off while trying to work, and had to wear a headset to drown them out.
Now, Kingdumb Maladies make me feel the same (if not worse). True, they get stuck in my head at times for no reason, and I have to accept that, like Christmas carols were then, those Kingdumb Maladies are probably going to be there permanently. At least I don't have to listen to them at this point (and I have real music, including Christmas songs, in my computer to listen to).
Bumble Bee
I think of those songs... I hear them... and I think,,,, I think,,,, oh my god, turn that sh*t off right NOW.
I was raised a JW, but never could "warm up" to the KM's. Oh sure, there were the odd ones that stirred some emotions in me, but for the most part, ugh, hated singing them. I always did love Christmas Carols though, although by the time Christmas comes along, I'm pretty sick of hearing them too lol
The only time the Kingdom Melodies made me feel all "warm and fuzzy" was when they played them at the DC's, before the sessions actually started...
As for Christmas carols... I get the same feelings, tho like BB, by the time Christmas gets here "I'm over it".