I had to giggle in a painful way. (It hurt my wallet)
My son was so excited. He was taking the last of many test for his drivers licence this week. So he wanted to take the car out for a spin and get air in a basketball and practice parking with his sister the afternoon before the morning of the last test. He just got his diploma and graduated in the top ten pecent of his class! He is on top of the world! So I said yes, for in the morning he gets licenced and has been doing really good at practicing things like driving to the corner store, etc...
So I am sitting here getting my hair braided and I think my braider is getting a drink of water when she comes in and tells me to put on a hat and hurry up, for I need to address something serious. Very serious. Damn if the boy has not backed up into the neighbors car and took out his front fender and dinged the dor at the seam.
I get outside and my girl is mouthing in slow motion...OH F$%k!! over and over and he has his hands on his face and is beat red and mouthing OH SH$T! On full volume and both in slow mothion. One rocking side to side and one rocking front to back.
The neighbor was cool and will let him pay for the damages. Meaning I Pay and he has to pay me back in full. Yeah...we will see how well that works.
He still passed the test, but he sure has been a great son and taking garbage fool. Vaccuuming and sweeping, dishes, calling to check if he can stay out later and what not.
Amazing, I should have let him ding a door sooner!
Anyhow, I could not even get mad it was so damn funny! I remember when my mom let me take the car out to practice and I backed her red and white Arrow with all leather souped up car into a fence. Busted out the lights and swore it was just like that. I don't think I ever have owned up to that to her. EEEPS!
But I know she knew. And she did not yell at me, so I figured I aught to pay this one forward.